Our advisory services are state funded. They help leaders to de-risk change and understand the return on technology investments.

Businesses of all sizes interested in advancing their manufacturing and supply chain processes can get in touch with us today to scope out what we can do together.

Interested in seeing what we can do together?


Interested in exploring how automation might improve processes and increase productivity?

RoboDemo is a fully funded 8-week strategy research project that helps businesses identify the solution and build the business case for investment.


If your IQ is your Intelligence Quotient, consider your TQ is Technology Quotient. The higher your organisation’s TQ, the better equipped your business will be for implementing new technology solutions that will drive business performance, potentially reduce operating costs and building a more resilient business.

We help businesses navigate challenges like

  • How can we use technologies like AI and machine learning to improve product quality?

  • Which manufacturing processes offer the biggest return on investment to modernise with technology?

  • How can we prepare our workforce to embrace new technologies?

  • How can we transform our manufacturing lines to be more circular?

  • How can we use data to bring more agility into our supply chain to reduce disruption?

How our advisory services work

We bring together the right expertise to help you tackle them.  

  • We bring the right expertise in and use our Industry 4.0 research initiatives to identify high-value use cases you can focus on.

  • We form a team of business, technology and design experts who can explore a potential solution. We rapidly prototype technical solutions using design thinking methodologies.

  • Our business experts help you to build the business case for investment, highlighting the scope for application, the road to get there and available grant supports you might be eligible for.